CNBC had an article the other day highlighting the disturbing public pension gap that is growing at an alarming rate. While I didn’t read the study by Moody’s behind the article the statistics highlighted by CNBC are, to say the least, frightening: In less than a decade, that shortfall has tripled to at least $2 trillion—more than
[…] Read more: Why Does it Seem Like No One is Worried about Growing Public Pension Gaps?
Category Archives: personal finance
September 2014 Goals and Financial Update
Whoa, it’s Q4. Where did the year go? It’s time to buckle down and finish 2014 strong. I hope you’re still keeping track of your 2014 goals and resolutions. I’m doing pretty well on the financial goals, but the fitness goal is going by the wayside. Let’s get started. 2014 New Year Goals Invest $50,000 in tax advantaged accounts We added $3,498 in Septe
[…] Read more: September 2014 Goals and Financial Update
4 Ways To Reduce Financial Stress
Money causes nearly everyone some financial stress. Whether you’re struggling to make it through the month, have a lot of student loan debt, are middle class (whatever that means to you), or have a lot of money invested in the stock market, you likely feel some sort of financial stress at some point. It seems like […]
[…] Read more: 4 Ways To Reduce Financial Stress
October 2014 Net Worth Update
With the S&P down for the month, I didn’t think this was going to be a particularly good month for my net worth calculations, and I was correct. As I mentioned last month,for the first time in years, I have some debt I have to get rid of. I think I only mention it to
The post October 2014 Net Worth Update
How Much The Average Household Spends on Food
I am a frequent user of I don’t use a strict budget, but I do have a general idea of how much we spend on each category monthly and if I see things are trending in the wrong direction, Lauren and I will discuss whether it’s temporary or permanent. I don’t hate the idea […]
How Much The Average Household Spends on Food
Who Will Buy The Widgets?
I’m going to step outside of what I typical write about and ask “Who will buy the widgets of tomorrow”? What I mean is if the labor force is being replaced by the advance of all types of robots (see my article called Fighting to stay in the middle class for more on this topic) […]
The post Who Will Buy The Widgets?
Do You Benchmark Your Net Worth?
I love updating our net worth and seeing it grows. The growth means we are getting closer and closer to true financial independence every year. If you’re not keeping track of your net worth, you really need to start. Seeing your net worth grows is a great motivator and it doesn’t take much time to calculate. Net worth = Assets – Liabilities Assets: Yo
[…] Read more: Do You Benchmark Your Net Worth?
Perils of Big Data or Beyond Big Brother?
Technology is great! I’m in the technology field and sometime I feel so empowered! You can do anything with technology if you work at it, look at all the great smart phone apps that are in existence! Who doesn’t love reading email or playing Candy Crush any place and at anytime? But there is a […]
[…] Read more: Perils of Big Data or Beyond Big Brother?
9/11 and Remembering to Plan for Your Family
I have mentioned it in the past, but my brother is FDNY. He was the second class after 9/11 occurred and was recently promoted to Lieutenant after studying and applying himself like I have never seen before. It makes 9/11 a reminder that something could happen to him. I recently came across the video below,
The post 9/11 and Remembering to Plan for Your Family
The Most Important Tip for Retirement Saving
Last time, we had fun being indignant about people who make six-figure income and are going broke. I’m pretty sure the majority of people making that level of income are smart enough to live within their means. There are just a few rare cases that are spending way too much and can’t save for the rainy days. I’m not sympathetic at all because middle class ho
[…] Read more: The Most Important Tip for Retirement Saving