Former Senator Barney Frank was on CNBC today talking about Dodd-Frank act, but that’s not what interested me today. What interested me today was that Barney Frank said that both J.P. Morgan and Wells Fargo (via Wachovia) were forced to take the bailout money. Former Senator Frank said that both banks did not want to […] The post J.P. Morgan Forced To Take Bailout Money?
Category Archives: personal finance
It Is Time For Small Businesses To Make Estimated Tax Payments
Small business owners (and about 10% of nannies) know the dates April 15th, June 15th, September 15th, and January 15th all too well. Those are the dates when estimated taxes are due. If you run a business, you must pay the federal and state governments the taxes you estimate you owe for the previous period. […] It Is Time For Small Businesses To Make Estimated Tax Payments
Carnival of Money Pros Back From the Ashes Edition
I’ve been away from blogging for a while now. While I’m still not 100% up to snuff, I’m back at the helm again!
A lot has changed since I’ve been gone, and some things need fixed or changed.
Now I’m back and rebuilding what has been neglected in my small world. Such things include my finances, blogging efforts and basically anything that required real thinking or commitment. That’s the beauty of personal finances, as long as you planned well in advance, you can sometimes let things ride out a bit without constant monitoring. But when you are better, jump right back into the fire and start swinging!
Speaking of swinging, check out some of these great hits below…
Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes 45 Activities with Kids on the Cheap – Here is the list of 45 activities with kids that I’ve come up with that can be done even with a tiny budget. Cheap children’s activities.
Bargain Babe @ writes How to start couponing the easy way – You’ve seen the shows on TV about extreme couponing – basically a money saving contact sport. But how do the rest of us coupon without it taking over our life? With just a few tips…
Maria @ The Money Principle writes Taxing Issues on Tax Avoidance – Tax avoidance is habitually blamed on companies downplaying their need for profits. Governments allowing loop-ravines are equally, if not more, to blame.
Lauren @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes My Complete Employment History, and What I’ve Learned – Ever wanted to know what I did before I became “L Bee and the Money Tree?” Well here is my complete employment history.
Daniel @ Sweating The Big Stuff writes The 5 Worst Ways to Save Money – There are some good ways to save money and there are some bad ways to save money. Do not go too far in your quest to save!
Don @ Money Reasons writes Both Best and Worst Personal Financial Times This Year So Far – Oddly, I’m having both the best and worst of financial times this year from a cash flow perspective. Read why I’m in such an odd financial state of being!
Ryan @ Cash Money Life writes What You Wear Matters … When You Shop – Dressing the part can play a large role in getting a good deal, or being treated well by store clerks, especially in high end shops and car dealerships.
Tony @ We Only Do This Once writes When Paying Down Debt, Downsizing, Decluttering and Simplifying Allows Your Universe to Open Up – Anyone who has read this blog long enough knows about my transformation with finances and my relationship with “stuff”. Along the way, I have (hopefully) helped others as well with this notion. But I never would have guessed that it would all lead to where I am today.
Corey @ 20s Finances writes 5 Tips to Starting Your College Year Off Right – Heading off to college, whether you are a freshmen or a senior can be a stressful time. Packing up your belongings, saying goodbye to family and friends and then unpacking everything are emotional tasks.
Mr. Frenzy @ Frenzied Finances writes Finance Tips: 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was 20 – There are some things you just don’t know when you’re 20. Read here for the top 10 things 20 year olds should know on finance.
Tushar @ Finance TUBE writes 5 Tips On Saving Money In The UK – You want to save money? Here are a lot of plain ways to make considerable savings on your normal spending, which could clear your debt of the British credit card many times over in less than a year.
Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes Get All those Sexy Nutrients for Less – Sexy drink beverages, supplements, and super foods sourced from exotic locations—the Amazon, the Himalayans, the Andes—and promising amazing benefits have flooded the grocery market.
Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes 10 Items for Your Last-Minute Travel Checklist – A list of things to take while traveling, including money, clothing, water, toiletries, clothing, passports, and medications if needed on your trip
Eva Baker @ TeensGotCents writes Real Estate Careers – Shopping With Sarah – Sarah shares about her latest adventure. After reading, you may want to check out real estate careers yourself. It’s like being a personal shopper!
Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes Making College Affordable – How can we make college affordable? The first step is to limit student loans. That might sound crazy but…
Cat Alford @ Budget Blonde writes How to Make Your Dream Holiday Within Reach – If you want to go on a dream holiday but can’t afford it, here are some tips to make it within reach!
Tushar @ Earn More and Save writes Tips On Setting Up A Bank Account Whilst Abroad – Offshore banking is frequently linked with a high point of financial superiority. Nevertheless, the truth is that the common person can set up an overseas bank account with only some hours of work.
Brent @ PersonalFinance-Tips writes Best Tips on Saving Interest on Your Home Loan – Saving money on your home loan is very easy if you strategize properly. Many people concentrate so much on the interest rates when shopping for loan. They forget that even the other features are very important. Below are tips on how to save interest on home loans: Paying in lump sum.
Robert @ The College Investor writes Your Wallet Loves This Strategy For Cheap College Textbooks – Everyone who goes to college knows the huge hole in your wallet that college textbooks make. I have executed a strategy that has saved me hundreds of dollars while buying my college textbooks and I wanted to share it with you today. This strategy will not only save you money by getting you cheap college textbooks, but will guarantee that you can make more money when is time to resell them.
Robert @ Cult Of Money writes Should You Get a Credit Card? – If you’re weighing up getting a credit card there are a few things you might like to think over before settling on one. With so many lenders and a huge range of products available, it’s worth shopping around to see what is on offer.
Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes Picking the Best Luxury SUV (for us) – So a couple of days ago, I dropped the news that I’m going to be a father again. I went through a few of the financial changes that I could easily anticipate. One of the most obvious ones was that we’re going to need a bigger boat car.
Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Tackling Credit Card Debt – How can you tackle credit card debt without developing an ulcer at the same time? Get organized and prioritize! There are a few methods out there that can help prioritize how you pay off your debt:
Lindy @ Minting Nickels writes Modifications that Add Value to a Used Car – Just as new granite countertops can improve the value of a home, the right modifications can boost your car’s value.
Hank @ Money Q&A writes Three Reasons Why Your House Is Not Selling – What can you do if months and months later you’re still stuck in the same place after being unable to secure a sale? You are sure to be wondering why your house is not selling.
Daisy @ Suburban Finance writes Grow Rich with Real Estate – There is some money to be made in housing, and we have a practical guide as to how to be rich in real estate investing.
Mike @ Personal Finance Journey writes Quick Ways to Decorate your Bedroom on a budget – Easy simple ways to decorating your bedroom on a tight budget that still gives that new bedroom feeling.
Harry Campbell @ Your PF Pro writes Another Tough Run In With Best Buy – Even though I often see a lot of negativity towards Best Buy, they are still in business and somehow opening more stores than they’re closing. When was the last time you saw one of their stores go out of business(a la Circuit City)? I have even noticed a trend of lower prices at Best Buy over the past year or so that seem to coincide with when online retailers had to start charging sales tax.
Luke @ Learn Bonds writes Would I rather buy a home or own $50,000 of bonds? – Here is a look at the connection between housing prices and interest rates and how to decide when to cash in an investment to buy a house.
Martin @ Don’t Throw Money Away writes Make Money By Switching On Your Laptop – Looking for ways to earn some money but your busy lifestyle only gives you 30 minutes to spare each day? Try these quick and easy ways on your laptop for making some extra cash.
THE BOSS @ Like A Boss Blog writes How To Make Money From Your Garden – Do you have a garden? Are you looking to make some extra money? Check out my ideas for how to make money out of what you own already.
Taynia Aarnink @ Fiscal Flamingo writes How To Budget On A Variable Income – Are you a freelancer, paid hourly or on commission, self employed? Budgeting on a variable income requires some strategy and a different way of thinking. Sassy worksheets included.
Monica @ Monica on Money writes Free TV, Just Like It Used To Be – I gave up cable 7 years ago and estimate that I have saved over $8400 by not having cable.
Holly @ Club Thrifty writes A Career in Sales Isn’t for Everyone – Have you ever considered a career in sales? Read this post for one man’s story of how it didn’t work out like he planned.
Daniel @ Make Money Make Cents writes How to Live Within Your Means but Still Live Well – If you have any doubt that Americans love their credit cards then all you need to do is look at the latest Federal Reserve figures showing that we have nearly $860 billion worth of credit card debt to our names.
Andrea @ So Over This writes Several Good Reasons to Not Contribute to Your 401(k) – A very common piece of advice that is given about retirement is that of maxing out a 401K plan at work. More than a few people, including professional financial advisors, will tell you that this is a way to make sure that your retirement is truly golden.
Lenny @ Best Money Saving Blog writes The Cost, and Risk, of Long Term Care – When you are working on your retirement savings, ask yourself this question: do you think that your nest-egg could take a half-million dollar hit?
Oscar @ Money is the Root writes The Best Investing Advice for Newlyweds – The simple fact is, couples who educate themselves about investing and set goals for savings not only increase the chance of being able to take a second honeymoon someday, but also that they\’ll head into retirement not only still together but in excellent finance shape.
Jay @ Daily Fuel Economy Tip writes 10 Tips to Save Gas Today! – People truly love their cars and the freedom that they give, but with gas prices nearing ridiculous levels, everyone is feeling the pinch at the pump.
Danielle @ Saving Without A Budget writes Simple Steps to Jumpstart Your Finances – With all of the financial advice that we give here on our blog, people always want to know where they should start.
Jack @ Money Saving Ethics writes Investment Advice from one of the Best Minds at Morgan Stanley – Morgan Stanley is arguably one of the best investment and brokerage companies in the world today and have at their disposal some of the best minds in the world when it comes to investment strategies.
Amy @ Money Mishaps writes Shop at Warehouse Clubs? Avoid these pricey mistakes – Warehouse clubs like Sams Club and Costco are some of the most popular places to shop in the United States today. But avoid these mistakes!
Bob @ Dwindling Debt writes The Best Tips for Solo Entrepreneurs – If you are a solo entrepreneur, you have many more responsibilities than the average working guy or gal. There are a few things that you definitely need to do when you work on your own in order to be as successful as possible.
Lily @ Paying Debt Down writes Finance Tips for 20 Somethings – The average 20-year-old is being forced to make many more financial decisions than ever before. The ones at the beginning of a career are especially important.
CAPI @ Creating a Passive Income writes The Reset Button: When to Declare Bankruptcy – Although filing for bankruptcy is a difficult decision, there are several red flags on when it’s time to start fresh and consider the option. Read here!
Katie @ IRA Basics writes Benefits of a Budget – Budget. It is a dreaded word, not one that instills ideas of grandeur and immense fun. It is also a word that is often neglected, an idea that most of us would rather not think about.
Sam @ The New Business Blog writes Choose the Right Bank for your Small Business – If you are an entrepreneur and getting ready to start a new small business, one of your first tasks is going to be to find a bank that helps you to achieve your goals.
Abby Hayes @ ReadyForZero Blog writes Spender/Saver Tension? How Weekly Budget Meetings Can Save Your Finances (and Your Marriage!) – Couple budgeting is never easy. This article shares tips on getting organized and working together – so you can protect your finances and your marriage!
Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes How to Get a Job with Little or No Work Experience – There are some things that you can do to improve your chances of getting a job when your work experience is thin on the ground or completely non-existent.
LaTisha @ Young Finances writes Jumpstart your Career with an Unpaid Internship – An unpaid internship can lead to greater experience and eventually, a paid position. Many college students and young adults look for internships after college.
Mrs. Accountability @ Out of Debt Again writes How to Automate Your Finances – Sometimes I feel like a massive accounts manager just handling my personal family’s finances.
IMB @ Investing Money writes Investing in China – A Time for Caution – The Chinese economy is in a state of transition. Investors, time to watch China’s banks carefully! Read here to learn more about China’s economy.
Pauline @ Reach Financial Independence writes Would you buy a 5 bedrooms, $100 house? – Detroit is dirt cheap, is it time to invest?
Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes Company Car or Car Allowance: Which one to choose? – One of the employment benefits most often talked about in Australia must be the company car. It’s a valued benefit, but with a variety of options due to tax law changes back in 2002, it’s hard to tell what is the right choice for you. Let’s walk through the two options…
KrantCents @ KrantCents writes 12 Things that Successfully Convert a Great Idea into a Reality – 12 Things that Successfully Convert a Great Idea into a Reality. These are the things that work best for me.
Tushar Mathur @ Everything Finance writes Three Tips to Prepare Your Family For the Cost of Aging – Admitting that your loved one is getting older is hard but not as hard as trying to figure out how your family will afford the overwhelming costs associate
Daisy @ When Life Gives You Lemons, Add Vodka. writes How I Started Side Hustling: Staff/Ghost Writing & Freelancing – Daisy gives real-life, applicable tips on how to start a writing gig (even if you have never had one before)
JP @ My Family Finances writes How Important is Credit Rating of a Life Insurance Company – Most websites that provide whole and term life insurance quotes provide the insurance company rating next to the quote.
Matt @ Living in Financial Excellence writes How to Set Up Your Small Business Finances – Setting your business finances up correctly from the start can save you a ton of headaches down the road.
Grayson @ Debt Roundup writes Credit Cards Are Only Tools In Your Financial Toolbox – How many times do you use the tools in your toolbox? Do you feel good when you use your tool the right way and it achieves a positive outcome? I know I do. Today, I am talking about using your credit card just as it is supposed to be used, a tool in your financial toolbox.
Alice @ OnBetterTerms writes How Working From Home Can Actually Save You Money – Working from home has one more perk – it can save you all the money that you would have spent when you work at the office.
Todd @ Modest Money writes Are You Watching Mortgage Interest Rates Surge Through The Roof? – Have you been diligently tracking mortgage interest rates? You should. They’re surging. Recently all the way up to 4.625%. That’s the largest weekly increase in FIFTY years! Just in January mortgage rates were 3.25%. There was no way to predict that they’d surge up 50% by 1.5 percentage points in less than half a year.
John S @ Frugal Rules writes Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest in the Stock Market First? – There can be a fine balance between paying off debt or investing in the stock market first. The truth is that it’s a personal decision and one that will aid your wealth building, debt reduction and saving for retirement at the same time.
Anton Ivanov @ Dreams Cash True writes Portfolio Planning Basics – Choosing Investments – The vast majority of people will never reach financial freedom. Is one of these 5 reasons going to stop you from becoming financially free?
Mr.CBB @ Canadian Budget Binder writes August Net Worth: +1.90% The calm before the storm – This month I talk about how we did in August with our finances but I also talk about how much money we did spend on shopping at the mall and purchases such as a laptop. The point of the calm before the storm means that we can’t prepare for all situations where we need to go out and spend money but in some cases it is necessary.
Michelle @ Making Sense of Cents writes Life After I Quit – A couple of weeks ago, I talked about all of the positives of working from home. I honestly cannot wait, and I think about my self-employment switch date all the time.
Harry Campbell @ The Four Hour Work Day writes Vacation is More Meaningful When You Have a Job – I’ve often found that returning to work after a long and restful vacation is one of the most depressing feelings on earth. I know you’re supposed to feel refreshed and relaxed after vacation, but for me, going back to work is what I dread most about vacation. It’s not like I’m thinking about work during my vacations, but when I’m back at work I can’t help but remember how much fun I was having the week before.
Pauline @ Make Money Your Way writes How I make money as a DJ – This post will show you how Evan made $50,000 as a DJ.
Kurt @ Money Counselor @ Money Counselor writes How To Tap IRAs Early – You’re itching to tap your IRA but you’re years away from age 59-1/2, and you don’t want to pay the IRS’ 10% early withdrawal penalty. You have an option!
Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Living with Cash: Would You Spend Less? – Every now and then you read a report or story that suggests one day we’ll live in a cashless society. However many people would argue that it’s easier to spend less money when you live with cash instead of using credit or debit cards.
Minimalist @ Minimalist Finance writes Setting a Home Maintenance Budget – Setting a Home Maintenance Budget has been published on Minimalist FinanceFirst time home buyers don’t always consider all of the expenses of purchasing a home. In reality, it’s not just down payment and closing costs that can cost a lot of money, what happens after you sign those papers can also cost you a pretty penny.
Did you notice the fire breathing bridge that is located in Vietnam? Pretty cool, but not very green and environmentally friendly huh… But still very cool. It also changes colors I believe.
Hope you enjoyed the carnival,
The Wife Discusses Using Cash vs Credit
I am not the bread winner in our family. I contribute financially, but the majority of our money comes from my husband. I am OK with that. As a matter of fact I would be just as happy solely being a SAHM, but since my job is so amazing, and it allows me to be The post The Wife Discusses Using Cash vs Credit
I Saved $700 Replacing the Suspension On My Car
Have you ever taken your car into the shop and been given bad news: they recommend you do a repair and it’s going to cost over $1,000. I got that news a few weeks ago, and as I’m saving up money for my wedding I knew I didn’t have that kind of money for repairs. […]
[…] Read more: I Saved $700 Replacing the Suspension On My Car
Why Are Auto Insurance Rates Different In Some States?
Every wonder why Auto Insurance Rates differ in some states? Car insurance costs far more in some states than others. reports that average annual premiums range from $934 in Maine to nearly $2,700 in Louisiana. Rates also exceed $2,000 in Georgia, Michigan and Oklahoma. A variety of factors influence prices in each state. State […] The post […] Read more: Why Are Auto Insurance Rates Different In Some States?
7 Compelling Reasons to Use Cash Instead of Credit
It’s been a couple of years since I wrote about our use of cash allowances so I thought I’d go over it again now that we have a lot more readers. I agree that sometimes, credit cards are great. They are very convenient and provide many benefits such as purchase protection and cash/point rewards. If you pay off your balance every month, credit cards can be a g
[…] Read more: 7 Compelling Reasons to Use Cash Instead of Credit
100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-09-09
The financial theory winds have changed again, and this challenge has once again been altered from the initial concept! After some thinking, I’ve come to the realization that me sole managing my friend’s account will gain him nothing with respect to experience in the stock market. You see there is nothing quite like making your […] The post
[…] Read more: 100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-09-09
The Ups and Downs of Launching A Business
On July 29th, we announced that we were starting a blog carnival submission service. Before we get into launch day, let’s go back a few weeks. We had our idea, we wanted to automate the carnival submission service so that we could plug in the information and have it sent out to all the relevant […] The Ups and Downs of Launching A Business
How Do Normal People Handle Their Finances?
I am not exactly sure how normal people handle their finances. First thing is first, I don’t believe myself to be normal when it comes to the personal finance realm. This is not to say I am extraordinary, but rather, I think a better synonym would be weird. I write on a personal finance blog The post How Do Normal People Handle Their Finances?