Owing back taxes can be more stressful than owing debt on a revolving credit line such as a credit card. An option for relief is available with taxes that you may not be able to get with other types of debt. The name for this type of relief is Offer in Compromise and it may The post When You Can Negotiate Your Taxes
Category Archives: personal finance
Third Quarter Business and Personal Finance Goals Update
This year I’ve consolidated my goals for 2013 to focus on things I care about and things that are doable. I set my sights too high last year and sort of failed. I left out a lot of steps on the way to achieving my goals (like fully funding out Roth IRAs) because they would have simply been […] Third Quarter Business and Personal Finance Goals Update
Required Tips May Disappear in 2014
A recent IRS rule change may cause some restaurants to drop required tips from the bottom of their bills. Deceiving Tipping Practices There is a sushi restaurant I occasionally go to has a very annoying feature. After eating, they bring the bill. It looks just like every other bill I’ve gotten with one exception. They […] Required Tips May Disappear in 2014
Why Do Non-Professional People Freely Give Stock Tips?
There is this young guy in my office; he is nice enough but one of those huge talkers. I have a feeling when I read this post back in a couple years it’ll be hard for me to remember his name because I don’t believe he’ll be here in a couple of years. Notwithstanding, he The post Why Do Non-Professional People Freely Give Stock Tips?
Was the Removal of the Uptick Rule Stupid?
The “Uptick Rule was removed back in 2007 after a pilot study said that no manipulations occurred.This is what the pilot study found “The general consensus from these analyses and the roundtable was that the Commission should remove price test restrictions because they modestly reduce liquidity and do not appear necessary to prevent manipulation. In […]
[…] Read more: Was the Removal of the Uptick Rule Stupid?
How To Survive A Furlough Or An Unpaid Leave
The US government has been on a partial shutdown for a week now with no end in sight. The bozos running the country are still bickering AND they are getting paid while 800,000+ people deal with having no income. Hopefully, Congress will get their act together soon and pass a budget before the US debt default date on October 17th. The economy will grind to a halt
[…] Read more: How To Survive A Furlough Or An Unpaid Leave
Was the Removal of the Uptick Rule Stupid?
The “Uptick Rule was removed back in 2007 after a pilot study said that no manipulations occurred.This is what the pilot study found “The general consensus from these analyses and the roundtable was that the Commission should remove price test restrictions because they modestly reduce liquidity and do not appear necessary to prevent manipulation. In […]
[…] Read more: Was the Removal the Uptick Rule Stupid?
Save Money on Life Insurance with Ladders
[Post by Sam at Coverpath. While I have heard of the idea of insurance laddering I never knew there was tool to help plan for it] People are always trying to save money on their life insurance. Search around and you will find a lot of common wisdom on the topic. But one thing you The post Save Money on Life Insurance with Ladders
Are You Miscalculating How Much You Need in Retirement? What is Life Expectancy
I have said it before that I am not a huge fan of the 4% safe withdrawal rate discussion. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. What you are allowed to take out means nothing if you need the funds, but I digress to today’s point – there is another part of retirement The post Are You Miscalculating How Much You Need in Retirement? What is Life Expectancy
Four Things You’ll Wish You Learned in College
It’s often said that college is one of the best experiences you’ll ever have, but people often ignore the aftermath: student loan and credit card debt. Rather than telling you to abstain from all the fun, yet pricy activities that college has to offer, the following points focus more on how to minimize the financial The post Four Things You’ll Wish You Learned in College