Should you use IRS rule 72(t) to access your retirement fund?

Earlier this week, a stressed out reader asked if using IRS rule 72(t) to access his retirement fund is a good idea.  I knew you can use this rule to take distribution from your retirement accounts and avoid the IRS early withdrawal penalty, but I didn’t know all the details so I had to do some research. Usually, you will have to pay a 10% penalty if you w
[…] Read more:  Should you use IRS rule 72(t) to access your retirement fund?

October 2013 Dividend Champion Watch List

After my September 2013 Dividend Champion Portfolio Update I bought: 10 shares Target at 63.18 with commissions – $639.75 This (along with every other) update takes a snapshot of certain metrics on a certain date (this one was prepared the night of October 18, 2013). My Dividend Investment Portfolio Screening Criteria The company has paid The post […] Read more:  October 2013 Dividend Champion Watch List

5 reasons why I can’t be a Digital Nomad

What the heck is a digital nomad? Do you need a yak and a yurt? Well, actually the term is much more prevalent these days and I’m sure most of you know it already. A digital nomad is someone who uses technology to work from anywhere in the world. I guess if you strictly go by that definition, I already am a digital nomad. I’m self employed online and I wo
[…] Read more:  5 reasons why I can’t be a Digital Nomad

What Does the Facebook IPO and the Twitter IPO Have in Common?

There is article after article discussing how the facebook IPO will be different than the Twitter IPO, but I came across an article this weekend from the Wall Street Journal that indirectly indicates how the situation may be similar when it comes to estate tax planning. What does the Twitter and Facebook IPO Have in The post What Does the Facebook IPO and the Twitter IPO Have in Common?

Education options for the kid if we move overseas

Our current plan is to reside in the US until Mini RB40 starts college, then we will live part time overseas. I would like to live in Thailand and then South America for a few years each. RB40 Jr. will start college in about 16 years and we will be 56. We won’t qualify for Medicare until 65, so I want to take advantage of the lower cost of healthcare overseas w
[…] Read more:  Education options for the kid if we move overseas