The Pope and Economics

I had a reader ask my opinion on the Pope and his latest remarks regarding the economy. I don’t want to put words into anyone’s mouth, so I’ll present the question as it was written: Hi Kevin! I would love to get your take on the anti-capitalist remarks made by Pope Francis! Do you think […]
[…] Read more:  The Pope and Economics

Do you compete with yourself or others?

Last week, I was driving to the grocery store with RB40 Jr. and I heard a segment of This American Life. In this episode, they were at a Jeep dealership as they try to meet their monthly sale goal at the end of the month. Their corporate headquarters sends the dealer a goal each month (129 in October) and if they surpass it, they will receive a big bonus. That’
[…] Read more:  Do you compete with yourself or others?

Is Early Retirement a Good Example for Your Kids?

Last week, I got an email from a new reader asking a thought-provoking question about leaving Corporate America. “What sort of signal does it send to my kids?  Will I still be a good role model?” It’s a conundrum. We all want our kids to work hard, right? I don’t want my kid to grow up to be a slacker so is quitting my job to be a stay at home dad sendin
[…] Read more:  Is Early Retirement a Good Example for Your Kids?

100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-12-10

Boo, additional constraints have been encountered with this 100k in five years challenge! Apparently, since my friend who I am working with on this challenge, is so young, he qualifies for something called Kiddie Taxes.  Basically, what this means is that after around $2,000 in unearned income (this is for year 2013), my friend will […] The post […] Read more:  100K in Five Years Challenge Update 2013-12-10